Die Marina
Der Touristenhafen

Die Marina

Ihr Bootsliegeplatz in Loano in einem hochmodernen Touristenhafen, der Gästen und Booten 7 Tage die Woche, 24 Stunden am Tag Gastfreundschaft, Service und Sicherheit bietet, damit Sie das Meer das ganze Jahr über genießen können.

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Marina Beach
Der Strand für alle

Marina Beach

16.000 m² Spaß mit Bereichen, die der Entspannung, dem Strandsport, der Familie und dem größten Hundestrand an der Riviera gewidmet sind.

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Marina Restaurants
Eintauchen in den Geschmack

Marina Restaurants

Lokale und Restaurants für jeden Geschmack und alle Anlässe, um sich zu jeder Jahreszeit vom Frühstück bis nach dem Abendessen verwöhnen zu lassen oder um sie als eine exklusive Location für Hochzeiten und Firmenveranstaltungen zu wählen.

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​​​​​​​​​Ein unerwartet schöner Anlegeplatz, sowohl von der See, als auch vom Land aus

Marina di Loano ist ein moderner Touristenhafen mit fast 997 Liegeplätzen von 6 bis 77 Metern in einem geschützten, aber leicht zugänglichen Hafenbecken, mit Bars, Restaurants und Strand, der all denen Sicherheit und Komfort bietet, die vom Meer aus anreisen, um hier einen unverhofft schönen Tag zu verbringen.​

  • 997 Liegeplätze
  • 45 große Yachtplätze
  • 16.000 mq des strandes
  • 900 Autoparkplätze
  • 20 Geschäfte
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Marina di Loano

Entdecken Sie die ganze Welt von Marina di Loano

Food, Beach, Relax und eine Welt voller Serviceleistungen, nicht nur für Segler.

  • Marina Beach
  • Marina Restaurants
  • Marina Lounge
  • Marina Services
  • Superyacht Area
  • Circolo nautico
  • Amico Loano







Marina di Loano is looking to the future with Leisure Harbour an international call for ideas from young designersMarina di Loano, one of the ten most beautiful marinas in the world according to the international publication “Yachting Pages”Marina di Loano is looking to the future with Leisure Harbour an international call for ideas from young designershttps://www.marinadiloano.it/de/news/marina-di-loano-is-looking-to-the-future-with-leisure-harbour-an-international-call-for-ideas-from-young-designersMarina di Loano, one of the ten most beautiful marinas in the world according to the international publication Yachting Pages23.07.2021 12:23:40036253Marina Beach Marina Restaurants Marina Lounge Marina Service Superyacht area Cantiere amico Circolo nautico Yacht club Offers Events News Contacts We are eager to see your aspxhtmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/News/4__NEWS%20HERO_A_Marina%20di%20Loano%20guarda%20al%20futuro%20con%20Leisure%20Harbor.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />
Profits for Marina di Loano despite COVID-19: new investments are available for further growthMarina di Loano is a highly desirable destination for lovers of the sea thanks to Marina BeachProfits for Marina di Loano despite COVID-19: new investments are available for further growthhttps://www.marinadiloano.it/de/news/profits-for-marina-di-loano-despite-covid-19-new-investments-are-available-for-further-growthMarina di Loano is a highly desirable destination for lovers of the sea thanks to Marina Beach23.07.2021 12:29:41036254Marina Beach Marina Restaurants Marina Lounge Marina Service Superyacht area Cantiere amico Circolo nautico Yacht club Offers Events News Contacts As well as being one of aspxhtmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/News/7__NEWS%20HERO_A_Per%20Marina%20di%20Loano%20bilancio%20positivo%20nonostante%20il%20Covid.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />
24 October will see the beginning of the third edition of the Marina di Loano Winter ChampionshipsThe programme is comprised of seven weekends of regattas and entertainment between October and February 2021 and open to boats of at least 6.5 metres in length.24 October will see the beginning of the third edition of the Marina di Loano Winter Championshipshttps://www.marinadiloano.it/de/news/24-october-will-see-the-beginning-of-the-third-edition-of-the-marina-di-loano-winter-championshipsThe programme is comprised of seven weekends of regattas and entertainment between October and February 2021 and open to boats of at least 6.5 metres in length.23.07.2021 12:32:45037336Marina Beach Marina Restaurants Marina Lounge Marina Service Superyacht area Cantiere amico Circolo nautico Yacht club Offers Events News Contacts This is one of the new aspx4htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/News/8__NEWS%20HERO_A_Al%20via%20il%20prossimo%2024%20ottobre%20la%20terza%20edizione%20del%20Campionato%20Invernale%20di%20Marina%20di%20Loano.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />

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