
Marina di Loano obtains its eighth Blue Flag for marinas


Marina di Loano has obtained its eight ​ Blue Flag, the prestigious recognition awarded by FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education, founded in 1981) to tourist ports that meet strict criteria in terms of respect and management of all environmental issues. The 2020 Blue Flag award ceremony was held today in "virtual" form due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19.

The Blue Flag for marinas is awarded by FEE on the basis of several criteria: the waters of the port and those facing the port must not be visually polluted; sewage must not spill into the port; the facility must be equipped with equipment for the collection of oil, paint and chemical residues, as well as life jackets and first-aid equipment; the management must provide environmental and Blue Flag campaign information; the possibility of disposing of bilge water and boat toilets is foreseen; arrangements are made for the disposal of shipyard processing residues; the quaysides provide lighting and drinking water.

This umpteenth Blue Flag is in addition to the other prestigious awards obtained in recent years by Marina di Loano as proof of the excellence of its infrastructure and services: the MaRINA Excellence 24 Plus certification, the "5 Timoni" and "50 Gold" awards from RINA. The International Certification Body has officially certified the safety and quality of the tourist and accommodation services provided by the Loano facility. In addition, as part of the individual aspects of the MaRINA Excellence 24 Plus assessment, Marina di Loano was the first in Italy to achieve RINA's Green certification for environmental sustainability.

"Our eighth Blue Flag," said a satisfied Uberto Paoletti (Director of Marina di Loano) "rewards the commitment of all the people in Marina di Loano (from management to staff to boaters) to try to ensure the protection of the marine environment. A commitment made up first and foremost of specific gestures (such as the increasingly reduced use of plastic materials or the creation of a 'virtuous' circular supply chain capable of reducing all types of waste and, therefore, potential sources of pollution), but also and above all by promoting environmental awareness campaigns aimed at young people. Like the 'Giornata nazionale del Mare e della cultura marinaresca' [National Day of the Sea and Maritime Culture] an event established by the new Nautical Code and promoted by Ucina Confindustria Nautica and the Italian Sailing Federation, which aims (in synergy with the Loano Harbour Office-Coast Guard) to promote the values of maritime culture and respect for the marine ecosystem among local school students".



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